Roadwork begins on Montée des Érables scheduled for June 26, 2018
The Public Works Department of the Municipality of Cantley wishes to inform the population of the start of the work to repair the Montée des Érables between the rue Taché and the rue des Cèdres.
Work will start on Tuesday, June 26th. The planned schedule is eleven (11) weeks. The schedule of work is from Monday to Friday from 7 to 17 h.
However, the duration and the schedule of the works is likely to vary according to the climatic conditions or certain operational constraints.
On the other hand, throughout this period, temporary closures of streets are to be expected. Detour roads will be in place.
Detour No. 1: Closure of Montée des Érables between rue Denis and rue des Pins.
Detour No. 2: Closure of the Montée des Érables between rue des Conifères and rue des Pins.
The Municipality of Cantley thanks the road users to respect the signs put in place and to ensure the safety of all. We thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
For further information, please contact Mr. Simon Carpentier-Mathé, Senior Public Works Clerk at 819-827-3434, extension 6814.
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